Saguaro Motel - Sonoran Desert - Arizona

There were words written along the top of the building, above the windows, but I can’t make them out. Perhaps the very last one says “ROOM(S)”

An abandoned, roadside motel/cafe sits just off the highway, somewhere in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. I’ll freely admit, I named it the Saguaro Motel, the name just seemed appropriate. A lot of online digging resulted in virtually zero information about the place, but I did discover it’s for sale @ $60,000. The buildings on the lot are listed as “un-usable.”

It looks like it was once a little motor court motel, as there are several buildings out back, one of which appears to have been a shower room. There is also a large slab of cement out behind the main building, perhaps there was once another structure there, but I couldn’t spot anything to say for sure.

The backside of the main building, and a portion of the large cement slab behind it.

BEER & WINE on the east end of the building. My guess is the room at this end was a cafe/store and the two rooms next to it were available to rent. I can’t for the life of me remember why I don’t have any pictures of the inside of this building, there were numerous windows I must have looked in. #UrbexFail

This building sits to the west of the main structure. Once again, no images of the inside. Next time I’m in the area, I’ll remedy that and update this post. At least to be able to identify what the buildings were used for. This looks like a small duplex.

As this one was posted, I didn’t get any closer than this. Then I started to hear dogs barking, which was my que to leave.

If any reader knows anything about this property, its name, when it was built, etc., please leave a comment below.

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Rocky Ruin Mine Office - Nevada


Call the Roof Guy - Nevada