It wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold. It was just right, for an afternoon wander-bout amongst a few favorite spots in the park. Who could have guessed that I would See the Elephant?

If you guess rocks, greenery and veritable metric tonnes of Nolina perryi, you would have won the prize.

There were a bunch of cool spots on the short jaunts I took that afternoon, here are a few of my favorites, in no particular geographical order.

It’s always fun finding a new (undiscovered by me, anyway) arch amongst the rocks. This one was huge! (to an ant)

If this looks like a great place to camp, so thought Native Americans hundreds of years ago. This is called “Indian Cave,” it’s near the trailhead for Ryan Mountain.

The famous “Sleeping Elephant of Joshua Tree.”

If I’m in the area, I can never resist taking pictures of the Pink House. Have probably taken hundreds over the years, one of my favorite spots in the park.

Just a little ways past this small dam in the Wonderland Wash, I met a couple of old friends. They were hanging out in a bit of a narrow portion of the trail, so I decided to traipse back and roam elsewhere.

Another old dam in Wonderland Wash, this one nearing the Pink House. I’ve been here in the past when there was a nice little lake being held in place by these rocks.

The trailhead to many amazing places in, and on the outskirts of, the Wonderland of Rocks.

These photos were taken in the following areas: Wonderland of Rocks, Ryan Mountain, Saddle Rock, Twin Tanks and a couple random pullouts along Park Blvd. All with an iPhone 13 pro. Weighs much less than my Nikon.


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