Live Oak Picnic Area - Joshua Tree National Park

I can’t remember ever having visited this area without taking a picture of the namesake Live Oak. But it happened on this trip. However, I did get a picture from underneath it while enjoying its welcome shade. The oak is big. It’s also pretty healthy. Perhaps being in a large wash helps it get the water it needs.

There are numerous picnic tables scattered throughout the area, and a good amount of parking. And rocks. Lots of big rocks to climb on and hike around. And take pictures of. And in spring, sometimes wildflowers. If it’s been a wet winter, this wash leading from the Oak down past Live Oak Dam and Ivanpah Dam is filled with many different kinds of wildflowers. This trip, the blooms were in short supply. But follow along to see some cool stuff I put on film during an hour or so hike through the area. Ok, no film was involved, it’s all digital images taken with my new toy, an iPhone 13 pro. Most of the pictures, I’m happy with. But I have noticed a lack in detail in the distance, as compared with my Nikon. The choice of just using the iPhone and not carrying the Nikon on future treks, vs taking both is still being pondered.

Pulling into a parking spot that had a picnic table, we decided to hike a bit before having our lunch. Climbing a small rise, this pretty view opened up before us. If you’re an exploratographer like me, the urge to just head out there for the entire day is probably something you’re familiar with (and something I’ve done many times). Look at all those rocks and gullies.

Sort of an arch, looks kinda like an animal putting its nose down onto a rock.

The dikes that run through so many of the rocks in the park have always intrigued me. This group seems to be begging hikers to follow them up the canyon.

I am quite happy with the quality of the close-up ability of the iPhone. This was taken handheld, I think the addition of a tripod would really enhance the sharpness.

Mojave Yucca Bloom

Joshua Tree Bloom

Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.

After hiking a bit, we decided to return to the car and have some lunch. The 29 Palms Inn in, yes, Twentynine Palms, had packed us some great sandwiches and some even better COOKIES!

A story in three frames.

A nicely branched Joshua Tree, a majestic Juniper and one of my favorite wildflowers, Desert Bluebell (I think that’s what it is).

Check out the trunk size on this Juniper! It’s old!

Snoopy Rock

Here’s a great view looking down the wash that leads to Ivanpah Dam. That tall rock off in the center distance intrigues me, I don’t believe I remember ever seeing it. Unfortunately, the detail in the distance of this photo leave a bit to be desired. But that pillar out there, that needs to be investigated! Maybe it’s the lost ruler…

Can you spot the dinosaur head?

Thanks for tagging along on this short hike, hope it inspires someone out there to visit the Live Oak Picnic Area. This quick post barely scratches the surface of all the interesting spots within a mile or so of the picnic area. Good place to use for a home base, spend the day exploring. But don’t get lost, make sure you can find your way back. I think it’s time now to go play with some Legos. Twitter and Instagram links below if you’d like to follow, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

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Watch out for Yucca Man…


Chasing the Light - Joshua Tree National Park


Stirrup Rock Afternoon - Joshua Tree National Park