Another Arizona Desert Mystery. At least to me, as I wasn’t able to discover any solid information about this neat stone ruin out in the middle of almost nowhere. I found a couple photos that referenced it was an old stagecoach stop, but without any names, dates or other evidence to back up that claim.

Those do look like hitching posts out in front of the old building, but I’m not sure how far back they date. The cement runner that they are attached to may have once been used to support an awning in front of the building, but that’s just a guess. In any case, this is a very picturesque spot, I’m glad I was able to track it down.

If anyone has any information about this old place, or any pictures of how it may have looked when it was in business, please let me know. I’d love to add that info here.

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Haunted Homestead - Benton - California


Desert Oasis Flea Market - Arizona