More California
I love you, California, you're the greatest state of all. I love you in the winter, summer, spring and in the fall.
I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore. I love your grand old ocean and I love her rugged shore.
“California’s been good to me. Hope it don’t fall into the sea.” …..Tom Petty
Wildrose Charcoal Kilns - Death Valley - California
What are these crazy dome things out in the wilderness of Death Valley?
Owens Lake - California
And the answer is: Once a 110-square-mile lake, estimated at being over 1,000,000 years old.
Old Homestead - Lucerne Valley - California
This place literally screamed to me to take its picture. What could I do?
The Trona Pinnacles - California
After close to five miles of bouncing and rat-a-tat-tat-tating over a hardpacked, washboard dirt road, the strange landscape seen from a distance was now up close and personal.