Old Homestead - Lucerne Valley - California

Exploratography Date: November 6 of 2013

This old homestead is located on Hwy 247 just a short distance north of Lucerne Valley. I had just tracked down the King Clone Creosote and was on my way to Barstow when I spotted someone taking pictures of several abandoned buildings on the opposite side of the road. This place literally screamed to me to take its picture. What could I do? Something draws me to these places and I often wonder what stories the old places could tell.

Was this a ranch owner’s home? It looks like it to me. Plenty of land for grazing cattle. A nice, big house - the tower thing in back undoubtedly once held a water tank. Could this have been a dairy operation? Was it connected with the property across the street? I don’t know, I just stop and take pictures.

After taking a few shots of the homestead and deploying a Munzee near the fence, I drove across the street to what looks like it might have been a farm or dairy ranch. There were several old, dilapidated buildings along the road and fields stretched out behind the buildings.

Part of the fun of exploring these abandoned places is trying to guess what they once were and imagining them back when they were originally built. After chasing away the other photographer, I had the place on Gobar Road all to myself to see what I could find. 

There’s a bunch of space to explore out in the Valley of Lucerne.


Grave of the Unknown Prospector - California


Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest - California