More California
I love you, California, you're the greatest state of all. I love you in the winter, summer, spring and in the fall.
I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore. I love your grand old ocean and I love her rugged shore.
“California’s been good to me. Hope it don’t fall into the sea.” …..Tom Petty

The Bench People - Knott’s Berry Farm - California
You’ve seen them, sitting there on those benches all day long, watching, ever watching the people go by. Always patient, never complaining about all the guests taking selfies with them, or getting “handsy” with them.

Tip Top Gold Mine - Eastern Sierra - California
It was a beautiful day for a hike, to a place none of us had ever been. I’d read of the Cardinal Mine a few years back, and as chance would have it, our group was spending the week in the area. “Let’s hike to a gold mine,” I said. So we did.

Ruth Camp - California
Ruth Camp is an interesting ghost town, located approximately 14 miles north of Trona in the Argus Mountain Range. There are a good number of fairly well-preserved buildings that I was able to poke around in, which date from the late 1930s.

Mono Lake Tufa Towers - California
The Tufa Towers at Mono Lake, another place I'd always wanted to visit after seeing them on an episode of Huell Howser's California Gold.

Benton Hot Springs - California
Established in the early 1860s, Benton was born with the discovery of silver in the nearby Blind Springs Hills and White Mountains. Also known as Benton Hot Springs, the town thrived for a few short years.

Mammoth Consolidated Gold Mine - California
The best laid plans are often subject to the weather. I had planned on hiking the one-mile loop trail to Heart Lake in Mammoth, and also to wander around the remaining buildings of the Mammoth Consolidated Gold Mine which are right near by.

Ballarat - California
My plan was to stop at Ballarat and then continue north, connecting with CSR 190 and thence to Lone Pine to spend the night. I made it as far as Ballarat. Most plans don’t survive contact with the elements.

Swansea - California
So much to see along 395, shame on those who claim everything’s dead in the desert….

Old Homestead - Lucerne Valley - California
This place literally screamed to me to take its picture. What could I do?

Bodie Ghost Town, Part 2 - California
Who was the “Badman from Bodie?” Tom Adams? Washoe Pete? Or maybe a fictional composite created from multiple badmen of the west.

Reward - California
I found Reward just north of Lone Pine and a few miles east of Hwy 395 along the Manzanar Reward Road. Finding the old ghost town was a reward in itself. The first thing that caught my eye was the multi-colored slopes ahead of me as I drove towards the site.