More California
I love you, California, you're the greatest state of all. I love you in the winter, summer, spring and in the fall.
I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore. I love your grand old ocean and I love her rugged shore.
“California’s been good to me. Hope it don’t fall into the sea.” …..Tom Petty
The Bench People - Knott’s Berry Farm - California
You’ve seen them, sitting there on those benches all day long, watching, ever watching the people go by. Always patient, never complaining about all the guests taking selfies with them, or getting “handsy” with them.
Tip Top Gold Mine - Eastern Sierra - California
It was a beautiful day for a hike, to a place none of us had ever been. I’d read of the Cardinal Mine a few years back, and as chance would have it, our group was spending the week in the area. “Let’s hike to a gold mine,” I said. So we did.
Krblin Jihn Kabin - pCalifornia - Kcymaerica
Oh my, where to start. With a picture. Yes, that would be best. Keep in mind whilst reading and viewing this post, that there are a lot of art installations sprinkled across the desert surrounding Joshua Tree National Park.
Transmission - Mojave Desert - California
Perhaps one of the most exciting things about the Mojave Desert is the unexpected; you just never know what you might find when you venture into its grasp.
Zzyzx - California
Raise your hand if you've ever driven by the exit for Zzyzx Road, while speeding along Route 15 on your way to Las Vegas, and wondered at all about that name.
Dunmovin - California
Dunmovin. You say to yourself, “self, one day I'm going to stop at this place and see what I can find.”