LDS Chapel - Chino Valley - Arizona

Online information on this extremely cool building is scarce to find, but here’s what the few reports out there, um, report:

Construction began in 1919, built by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was finished and dedicated in June of 1924. The beautiful stone blocks used were quarried from nearby Granite Mountain, southwest of Chino Valley.

Reportedly, it originally had granite steps leading straight up to the door, rather than the wooden steps now in place. Apparently, in the early 1960s when AZ-89 was widened, the steps had to go. The somewhat awkward appearance of the front porch and wall lend evidence that this might be true, but the source for that bit of info was a bit sketchy.

I wasn’t able to find any information on how long the building was used as a Chapel, or any other businesses that may have owned/used the building over the years. Recent property history records show it selling twice during the 1990s, both times for $150,000. It would be great to know who owns it now and if there are any plans to restore and bring it back to life. It looks solid from the outside.

Anyone with any info about this grand old lady, please leave a comment below.

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Prescott Sportsmen Club Ruins - Arizona


Halloran Springs - Eat Lo Gas - California