Abandoned Places
Abandoned places, forgotten places, off the main road places. These are the places I like to be.
Pine Creek Cabin - Saggin’ - Hwy 395 - California
I was a bit disappointed when I finally found it, not so much as to its condition, but rather that it was fenced off and posted no trespassing, so I couldn’t get in amongst the walls.
Little Lake Post Office - Postmark: GONE - California
you’ll realize that you’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of roadside memories. At the signpost up ahead, there’s a turn-off for Little Lake Road. Take it.
Check Under the Hood? - Abandoned Mojave Desert Service Station - California
It’s probably been thirty plus years, at least, since anyone has said that here. But at one time, this was a bustling stop on a highway that was once a major route from hither to yon.
Hadley Fruit Orchards - Moved Next Door - California
Speeding past on Interstate 10, maybe a half dozen times a year, the “abandoned place gravity well” has tried to pick me off the freeway to stop and take some pics. It finally happened.
School’s Out for Ever! - Rt 66 - Arizona
School’s out for summer, and winter, and fall and spring.