Abandoned Mining Ore Bin - Chute Chute - California

Mazourka Canyon had its share of gold and silver mines back in the wild days. Up in the rugged Inyo Range, prospectors found gold in a number of narrow quartz veins in sediments and granitic rocks. Placer deposits in the canyon were generally worked by dry placer methods from 1894 to 1906. The region was prospected again when a new frenzy began in the 1930s.

What was this large wooden ore bin used for? It looks like whatever it held was deposited into wagons, possibly to then be hauled to the railroad siding at Kearsarge? I dunno. Just guessing. But it’s a cool reminder of the mining history in the area. Can’t believe I missed it on my previous trip to this area, it’s literally within walking distance of Kearsarge.

What a beautiful day to be NOT WORKING, and out in the desert taking pictures of old mining stuff. Doesn’t get much better.

You might be able to tell, I really like old mining stuff, this old ore bin is just awesome. check out the chute, and the ladder over there on the left, so cool.

And check out this YouTube Shorts video to see even more:

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Pet Sematery - R.I.P. - Mojave Desert - California


Pittsburgh Plate Glass Factory - Clearly Abandoned - Bartlett, California