Abandoned Places
Abandoned places, forgotten places, off the main road places. These are the places I like to be.
Monoville? - Dunno’ville - California
Monoville? Dunno. Don’t think so, though. But cool buildings to find and explore, nonetheless.
That House on 395 - IYKYK - Eastern Sierra - California
Nature is slowly reclaiming what once was and will soon again be, hers. Talking about That House on 395.
Eastern Sierra Ranch House - Needs Work - Hwy 395 - California
What is it that draws folks to search for, then go to, find, explore and take pictures of these old forgotten places?
Conway Ranch - Mono Basin - California
The Conway Ranch has a rich history, dating back to 1872. A beautiful setting that literally begs photos to be taken.
Abandoned Ranch - No Oil Plant - Hwy 395 - California
With a road named “Oil Plant Road,” you’d expect to find an oil plant somewhere along its way. False Advertising! No Oil Plant! Maybe they were actually talking about an actual plant, like a shrubbery….
Pine Creek Cabin - Saggin’ - Hwy 395 - California
I was a bit disappointed when I finally found it, not so much as to its condition, but rather that it was fenced off and posted no trespassing, so I couldn’t get in amongst the walls.
Pet Sematery - R.I.P. - Mojave Desert - California
Out in the desert, alongside an abandoned and forgotten railroad siding, there’s a lonesome and long neglected Pet Cemetery. It’s not hidden but it’s easy to miss.
Abandoned Mining Ore Bin - Chute Chute - California
What was this large wooden ore bin used for? Gold or silver ore? Some other kind of material? That’s part of the fun of finding places like this, the wondering what it was used for.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Factory - Clearly Abandoned - Bartlett, California
Each time driving by, I’ve wanted to take a picture of this old factory. This time through, I did.
Ranch House Cafe - No Longer Seating - California
The Ranch House Cafe had been serving great food for decades, under several different names over the years. So sad to see it closed.
Wright’s Service Station - Stopping Now Would Be Wrong - California
You’ve most likely zipped past this abandoned service station, if you’re a Hwy 395 junkie. It’s been closed for a long time, nothing to see here, keep moving along. But every place you see like this has a story, and sometimes, they’re wacky. And sometimes, they’re ordinary. I think the story behind this service station is rather extra-ordinary.
Kearsarge Station - Everybody Out! - California
Originally established as a stagecoach depot in 1866. During the busy years of the railroad, there was also a residence for the section boss and a bunkhouse for the workers near the depot.
The Airflite Café - Grounded - California
Does this building seem oddly familiar, like something out of a Twilight Zone episode perhaps? Read on, fellow travelers, searchers and explorers. At the signpost up ahead, you’ve entered the location known as “Grant.”
Rustic Oasis Motel - Maybe TOO Rustic? - California
Here’s what the Rustic Oasis Motel sign looks like today. I had seen a picture of it from many years ago where it was in better shape and thought, “hmmm, I should stop and get a picture of that for my explor-files.” So, I did.
Volcano Ranch House - What a Blast - California
Imagine living next to a volcano. “What a blast!” Sorry. Sure, it’s been at least 10,000 years since the last eruption, maybe as long as 100,000 years. Why risk it? And what would the insurance rates be…..
Little Lake Post Office - Postmark: GONE - California
you’ll realize that you’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of roadside memories. At the signpost up ahead, there’s a turn-off for Little Lake Road. Take it.
BATHS! Once a Month! - Needed or Not! - California
Who needs a bath more than once a month? Would have loved to visit this particular building when it was open for BATHS. Made of stones from local mines, opened for business in 1921.
Barn-voyage - California
Why did the farmer cross the road? To ask the guy with the camera why he was taking a picture of his barn.