Monoville? - Dunno’ville - California

Could have called it Mono View, certainly a great location.

There doesn’t seem to be any definitive proof that these ruins were once part of the mining camp called Monoville, although they are sometimes referred to as such. Hence my “Dunno’ville.” The actual camp of Monoville was probably a little over a mile away, up in the more rocky, canyon-like area. Also, these ruins date to long after the mining camp of Monoville was established (1859-ish) and died (1869-ish). My guess is these buildings were built within the last eighty years or so. But of course, I could be totally wrong (happens quite often). Whatever their origin, they were fun to locate and photograph.

This is the larger of the two former homes. Several rooms, bathroom, and a nice porch

I think I would have like to live in this one, back in the day.

It would have been so cozy to sit in this room during a winter storm and watch Mother Nature do her thing out there.

Looks comfy!

And that last little building, on the left hand side, appeared to be a storage shed.

I’m sure if whoever lived here had kids, they tried to climb to the top of that rock pile. And they probably made it.

Thanks for checking out this post, hope you enjoyed it and the pictures. Would love to read your comments below if you have any information or old pictures of this area.

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That House on 395 - IYKYK - Eastern Sierra - California