That House on 395 - IYKYK - Eastern Sierra - California

Nature is slowly reclaiming what once was and will soon again be, hers. Talking about That House on 395. It certainly stands as a haunting testament to time’s relentless toll. There used to be two, now there is one, and in a blink of the eye, there will be none. Another example of the old adage I just made up, “take a photo now, because tomorrow it might be gone.”

I must have passed this home dozens of times over the years, it’s easy to miss when you’re zipping along the 395 at speeds well above the speed limit. But this time, this spot was on my road trip list to stop at and get some pics. Take a look:

Some of the framing inside looks fairly new. I wonder if someone recently had thoughts of refurbishing the old place. Click on any of the small pics to embiggen.

The remains of the second house that once stood on the property.

A google maps snap from 2019.

I don’t have any history on these two structures, but was able to find this info online: “The Frank Sam Cabin is one of the last remaining structures from Bridgeport Tom's Farrington Ranch. Frank Sam was a descendent of Captain Sam who was one of the Yosemite-Mono Paiute leaders during the Mariposa Indian War. This house was built in the late 1920's and was occupied until the early 1960's.”

He who doesn’t press the shutter, misses the picture. Yup, profound stuff here…..

Thanks for taking the time to check out this post, stay safe in your adventures and I’ll catchya on the next trip.

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Eastern Sierra Ranch House - Needs Work - Hwy 395 - California