U.S. Route 66
There are many ghosts along U.S. Route 66. Ghosts of what once was, of a world that has moved on. Lonely outposts, forgotten towns, abandoned ruins, ghosts. Yet they still call out with a melancholy lure, that can quickly capture one’s soul. The route may be less traveled by today, but that can make all the difference.
Well it goes to St. Louis, Down to Missouri, Oklahoma City looks oh so pretty. You'll see Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico.
Flagstaff, Arizona, Don't forget Wynonna, Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino.

Geronimo Trading Post, AZ - Rt 66
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m drawn to any type of Trading Post I pass by while travelin’.

Cool Springs Camp, AZ - Rt 66
After surviving some great hairpin turns and the descent from Sitgreaves pass and through the Black Mountains, the valley opened up and the driving was easy.

Goldroad & Sitgreaves Pass, AZ - Rt 66
My next destination was Sitgreaves Pass, which tops out at 3,550 feet. The pass was named for Captain Lorenzo Sitgreaves, who traveled through the area in 1851.

Oatman, AZ - Rt 66
I arrived a bit early and most of the businesses were still closed, but I walked up and down the town’s main street, interacting with the burros and taking pictures of the old buildings.

Goffs, Cal - Rt 66
I had just arrived in Goffs, California and was wandering about to see what I could find. The town dates back to 1883 and came to life along with the railroads, first as a siding and later as a major stop and water station.

Chambless, Cal - Rt. 66
About a mile and a half before reaching Chambless proper, I pulled over at a classic Route 66 stop, the former Road Runner’s Retreat Restaurant and Gas Station. There must have been hundreds of such places along Route 66 during the road’s glory days.

Amboy, Cal - Rt 66
I took the I-40 Kelbaker Road exit south to Route 66 and then backtracked west to Amboy to see what I could find.

Ludlow, Cal - Rt 66
It was early afternoon on day one of my “Goodbye God, I’m going to Texas” roadtrip when I turned off I-40 to check out the town of Ludlow, California.

Newberry Springs, Cal - Rt. 66
I first drove into Newberry Springs looking for Tony's Garage, the Bagdad Café and an old abandoned motel I remembered seeing back in 2013 when I was in the area for a Munzee Clan War activity.

Inspection Station, Daggett, Cal - Rt. 66
Rolling down Route 66, especially for the first couple roadtrips, you never know what you’re going to find.

Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch, Oro Grande, Cal - Rt. 66
Located on a stretch of old Route 66 in Oro Grande, Cal., Elmer Long’s Bottle Tree Ranch is one of the great reasons I enjoy driving through places I’ve never been.

Oro Grande, Cal - Rt. 66
I'm guessing that Oro Grande was once a busy little place, with Route 66 travelers stopping here for a rest, a bite of food or some gas so they could continue along their way.

Lenwood, Cal - Rt. 66
I was driving along a short (36-mile-long) section of the National Old Trails Road, between Victorville and Barstow, Cal. when this happened…..

Daggett, Cal - Rt. 66
Daggett is a neat little desert town with a rich history. Founded in the 1860s as Calico Junction, the town was later renamed Daggett in honor of California Lt. Governor John Daggett.