Joshua Tree National Park

A drive through Joshua Tree National Park might take a couple hours, viewing the park from the road. An exploration of the park would take a lifetime. Joshua Tree National Park has over 550,000 acres of wilderness filled with a variety of plants and animals that make their home in this land shaped by strong winds, unpredictable torrents of rain, and climatic extremes. Every now and then, man intrudes in this wilderness and leaves his brief, passing mark among the surreal geologic features that cover the landscape. Let’s go see what we can find.

Hidden Valley Found! - Joshua Tree National Park

Hidden Valley Found! - Joshua Tree National Park

I pulled into a rather large parking lot near where my research had led me to believe was near an entrance to the famous “Hidden Valley” of Joshua Tree National Park.... I was determined to be the first to find the secret valley where desperado outlaws stashed their stolen cattle.

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Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon - Joshua Tree National Park

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon - Joshua Tree National Park

It wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold. It was just right, for an afternoon wander-bout amongst a few favorite spots in the park. Who could have guessed that I would See the Elephant?

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The Desert isn’t Dead - Joshua Tree National Park

The Desert isn’t Dead - Joshua Tree National Park

Back in early May, opportunity presented itself and said, “Hey, your aunt and uncle will be in Twentynine Palms for a couple days, it would be great to spend some time with them and show off your vast knowledge of neat places to visit in the park.”

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Red, White & Blue! (orange, purple & yellow, too) - Joshua Tree National Park

Red, White & Blue! (orange, purple & yellow, too) - Joshua Tree National Park

I was lucky enough to be able to spend all day Sunday in the park. My trip plan consisted of obtaining Beef Jerky at the local 7-11, icing down my Dr. Pepper and Prime, grabbing some other snacks and then heading straight to the sandy washes south of Cottonwood Springs, to look for colorful things.

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What was that? Joshua Tree National Park

What was that? Joshua Tree National Park

“What was that, way up that canyon?” are probably words you’ve said at some point. Then the trick is, find a place to safely pull off to park, so you can climb into that canyon and see what you can find.

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The Barbed Wire Trail - Joshua Tree National Park

The Barbed Wire Trail - Joshua Tree National Park

Once the hiking boots hit the trail, anywhere in Joshua Tree National Park, toss the game plan out the window. Oh, you may come back to it and somehow end up where you had set out to go (often with a <squirrel!> side trip that turns out to be more interesting than the original goal), or you may get lost and die alone in the unforgiving Mojave.

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The Sanctuary of the Rock People - Joshua Tree National Park

The Sanctuary of the Rock People - Joshua Tree National Park

I am not an anti-rockite. I like them all; small, medium and Jumbo. Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary - they’re all good. I like to scramble on them, climb them, and get scraped and abraided on them. I especially like to photograph them. I’m a rock people.

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Twin Tanks - Joshua Tree National Park

Twin Tanks - Joshua Tree National Park

Totally old-school “take a bearing!” There’s no trail whatsoever, just park at the lot and follow Patty’s directions. I always enjoy a hiking/discovery challenge, so I headed out to see if I could find the twin tanks.

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Interesting Rocks - Joshua Tree National Park

Interesting Rocks - Joshua Tree National Park

I think it’s fair to say that Google Earth is a temptress. How often has she led me to unknown places of wonder and beauty, places of history and charm, places from which even more can be discovered. When things are slow at work, why not spend some time with her, searching for places to see what I can find.

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